The Eagle Eye: 5/2/2024

Happy Thursday! The latest issue of The Eagle Eye is now available. The Eagle Eye is Eagle Ridge Academy’s translatable community newsletter that is published every other Thursday during the school year. It is a great resource to see important updates and learn what is happening around the school. Here’s a preview of what you’ll find in this week’s Eagle Eye:

  • Eagle Ridge Academy Only Charter School to Have All School Ranked as “Best Schools” in Minnesota. Eagle Ridge Academy been named one of the best high schools in the state and the country by earning the 2024 U.S. News & World Report Best High Schools Medal and Charter Medal for the twelfth year in a row. The School of Logic and School of Grammar also ranked in the top 15 middle and elementary schools in Minnesota. Read more about Eagle Ridge Academy’s ranking inside the issue.
  • Donate Blood at Eagle Ridge Academy’s Red Cross Blood Drive on Wednesday, May 8. Eagle Ridge Academy National Honor Society will host a Red Cross Blood Drive for students, staff, and families ages 17+ (or 16 with parental consent) outside the District Office on Wednesday, May 8. Sign up for an appointment slot and view donation resources inside the issue.
  • Register for the 4th Annual Activities and Athletics Awards Celebration by Friday, May 10. The Activities and Athletics Awards Celebration on Sunday, May 19, is an opportunity to honor students through awards, letters, and good food. All students family, coaches, and friends of ERA Activities and Athletics are invited. Find out more about the celebration and register today inside the issue.
  • Join Us for a Gryphon Conversation on Science Changes on Monday, May 13. Due to new Minnesota Science Standards, ERA is proposing a change in 8th grade science credits. The proposed change in credits requires a vote from the Board of Directors. Prior to the May 28 Board meeting, Eagle Ridge Academy will hold a virtual Gryphon Conversation on Monday, May 13, to explain the changes and answer questions. Learn more inside the issue.
  • Give Us 5 Before the End of the Year. All Eagle Ridge Academy families are encouraged to “Give Us 5” with a pledge to volunteer five times throughout the school year. If you haven’t fulfilled your volunteer expectations this year, or are looking for more ways to get involved, there are several events in May that require volunteers in order to run. We are currently seeking volunteers for Prom, Camp Read-a-Lot, Donut Dash, Gryphon Garden, Grades K-3 Classroom Parties, Grades 4, 5, and 8 Moving Up Ceremonies, Gryphon Greeter Program, and MORE. See all volunteer opportunities and sign up to help this month inside the issue.

Read on for more and have a wonderful rest of the week, Gryphons!

Click here to read this week’s eagle eye newsletter