The Eagle Eye: 10/11/2018
Your new issue of the Eagle Eye is hot off the press! Here are a few of the highlights:
- Grades 2-12 are invited to our annual Veterans Day Celebrations. Be part of the ceremony by reciting the Gettysburg Address (Gr. 2-5) or sharing about a veteran you know (Gr. 6-12)! More details on the first page. (New this year: Kindergarten and First Grade will celebrate the occasion in their individual classrooms, instead of at an assembly.)
- The Library team invites to an Usborne Book Fair during Fall Conferences.
- We invite you to share our 2019-20 Enrollment Extravaganza events with your friends and family who are not yet enrolled at ERA. We’d love to have them join our community!
- The PTO shares photos from another awesome Rockin’ the Ridge event!
Read on for more, and have a fantastic rest of your week!
Gus the Gryphon greets Kindergarten and First Grade students during their lunch to celebrate Homecoming Week. | MARY CORNELIUS