What are Special Services?

Special Services are supportive resources for students so they may access their education and participate in the mission and vision of Eagle Ridge Academy. Special Services resources include Nursing Services, Targeted Services, Credit Recovery, Section 504, English Language Learner services and Special Education services.

Nursing Services

Nursing Services protect and promote student health for student academic success. Nursing Services provide emergency medical services, ongoing care for chronic conditions, and medication administration while coordinating immunizations and sharing healthy practices for classrooms.  

Current medical information is crucial to the Licensed School Nurse and other staff providing services.  Please inform the school of any changes in your child’s health. Information and forms may be found in the Health & Wellness section of the District’s website.

Please contact the school nurse for additional information:

Riley Ulbrich
School Nurse

English Language Learners

English Language Learner services are provided to students who are identified by Minnesota criteria and are provided in pull-out and push-in models.  

Please contact the Director of Academics for additional information:

Susan Bloomgren
Director of Academics

Targeted Services

Targeted Services provide supplemental reading and math instruction for students in grades 1-8. Our Targeted Services program is titled Excellence Club and is available for students who qualify.  Parents will be notified if their student is eligible.  

Please contact the Assistant Principals for additional information:

Michael Clinger
School of Grammar Assistant Principal

Missy Madigan
School of Logic Assistant Principal

Credit Recovery

Students in grades 9-12 who are behind in credits toward graduation are eligible for the Credit Recovery program.  Recovery classes are offered based upon need and limited classes are offered.  

Parents will be contacted if their son/daughter is in need of credit recovery, however, Upper School students are encouraged to review their transcript on a regular basis.

Please contact the Assistant Principal or School Counselor for additional information:

Missy Madigan
Schools of Logic & Rhetoric Assistant Principal

Linda Kaiser
Academic & College Counselor

Section 504

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act prohibits discrimination based on disability. If a student is found to have a disability (under Section 504) that substantially impacts a major life activity an evaluation will be conducted to determine eligibility.  Eligibility is determined by individual districts.

Please contact the 504 Coordinator for additional information:

Devin Kuneck
Special Services Coordinator

Special Education

Special Education services are provided to students who meet Minnesota disability criteria through a comprehensive evaluation.  Special Education is governed by the Individual with Disabilities Education Act and Minnesota State Statutes. Special Education services are specially designed and individualized to meet students’ identified needs. Special Education services are optional and the school must have parent permission to proceed.

View the Eagle Ridge Academy Restrictive Procedures Plan here.

Please contact the Special Services Coordinator or Director of Special Services for further information:

Devin Kuneck
Special Services Coordinator

Amber Dahlstrom
Director of Special Services Coordinator