First Day of School | Schools of Grammar, Logic & Rhetoric
First Day of School | Schools of Grammar, Logic & Rhetoric
The first day of the 2020-21 school year has been postponed for all grades to Monday, August 31.
The first day of the 2020-21 school year has been postponed for all grades to Monday, August 31.
Distance learning families may pick up materials from school every other Friday from 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Below is the full list of pick up days through the end of the year: September 4 & 18 October 2 & 23 November 6 & 20 December 4 & 18 January 8
The Board will hold a special meeting at 4:00 p.m. The meeting will take place virtually. For more information, visit the Board Meetings/Workshops page. The Eagle Ridge Academy Board of Directors will convene to conduct a special meeting. The agenda item is the preliminary consideration of allegations against an employee. According to Policy 206, there […]
Select members of the Board of Directors and Administrative team will be available for members of the Eagle Ridge Academy community to discuss questions and/or concerns that may not be included in the regular agenda meeting for the month. Where: Due to Covid-19, we will be meeting via Zoom. The link will be posted prior to […]
The Eagle Ridge Academy Board of Directors will convene to discuss the items on the month's regular meeting agenda. No decisions will be made during this event. Where:Meetings are being held virtually during the COVID-19 Pandemic.View Details Here. Join Zoom Meeting Here Meeting ID: 812 4214 0622 | Passcode: ERA2020 For Board of Directors agendas […]
While Eagle Ridge Academy is operating in a Hybrid Learning Scenario, all students (Team Lion & Team Eagle included) will be at home in asynchronous distance learning every Friday. Find more information in the Eagle Ridge Academy 2020-2021 School Year Plan.
This event has been postponed. We will update with more information at a later date. Formal Dress is required for school portraits. View requirements on our Uniforms & Spirit Wear page.
Parents only. Grades 1-3 from 6:00-7:00 pm. Specialists from 7:00-7:30 pm. Grades 4-5 from 7:30-8:30 pm. Update September 14: Being we started class with students a week late, on Tuesday, Sept. 15, rather than hosting a traditional Curriculum Night, we will hold more open sessions where parents can drop into teacher Zoom rooms and ask […]
This event has been postponed. We will update with more information at a later date. Formal Dress is required for school portraits. View requirements on our Uniforms & Spirit Wear page.
Distance learning families may pick up materials from school every other Friday from 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Below is the full list of pick up days through the end of the year: September 4 & 18 October 2 & 23 November 6 & 20 December 4 & 18 January 8
Under Minnesota Statutes, section 120B.11, school districts, including Eagle Ridge Academy, are to develop a World’s Best Workforce (WBWF) Annual Report each school year. This summary documents the WBWF student achievement goals that were established last year, the strategies and initiatives that the Academy engaged in to meet the goals, and the subsequent progress made […]
The Eagle Ridge Academy Board of Directors will convene for its monthly meeting. Decisions on the agenda items will be made during this event. Where: Meetings are being held virtually during the COVID-19 Pandemic. View Details Here. Join Zoom Meeting Here Meeting ID: 812 4214 0622 | Passcode: ERA2020 For Board of Directors agendas and […]