Wizard of Oz Spring Musical Auditions

Eagle Ridge Academy 11111 Bren Road W, Minnetonka, MN, United States

Spring Musical auditions will be held in the ERA Auditorium on March 1 & 2, 3:30-5:30 p.m. Sign up on the sheet located on the auditorium doors. Contact Director Mr. Berg at gberg@eageridgeacademy.org with questions.

Wizard of Oz Spring Musical Auditions

Eagle Ridge Academy 11111 Bren Road W, Minnetonka, MN, United States

Spring Musical auditions will be held in the ERA Auditorium on March 1 & 2, 3:30-5:30 p.m. Sign up on the sheet located on the auditorium doors. Contact Director Mr. Berg at gberg@eageridgeacademy.org with questions.

VIRTUAL: School Board Listening Session

Eagle Ridge Academy 11111 Bren Road W, Minnetonka, MN, United States

Select members of the Board of Directors and Administrative team will be available for members of the Eagle Ridge Academy community to discuss questions and/or concerns that may not be included in the regular agenda meeting for the month. This event will be held virtually. For Board of Directors agendas and minutes, visit BoardDocs. Topic: ERA […]