Spirit Wear Day

ERA 11111 Bren Road West, Minnetonka, MN, United States

See guidelines on the Uniforms & Spirit Wear page.

Kindergarten Fire and Safety Visit

Eagle Ridge Academy 11111 Bren Road W, Minnetonka, MN, United States

Kindergartners will engage in a presentation and discussion provided by the Minnetonka Fire Department. The focus will be on fire safety as well as other age-appropriate safety measures. It involves a presentation for 40 minutes, followed by a 20 minute visit to the firetruck.

Annual Pit Fire 2021 | Art Department

ERA 11111 Bren Road West, Minnetonka, MN, United States

ERA's annual ceramic Pit Fire is to celebrate the end of Homecoming week. The pit fire is intended for ceramic pieces made by ERA students. The pit is loaded with ceramics works and smothered with combustibles that we heat in a fire to obtain interesting  markings. Flames of the fire magically weave their way around