NHS Winter Clothing Drive

Eagle Ridge Academy 11111 Bren Road W, Minnetonka, MN, United States

The Eagle Ridge Academy National Honor Society is putting on a Clothing Drive during December in order to help those in the Twin Cities who are in need of warm clothes. The School of Logic and the School of Rhetoric will both be collecting donations. The school that collects the most donations will get their […]


VIRTUAL: School Board Workshop & Meeting


The Eagle Ridge Academy Board of Directors will convene to discuss items on the month's regular meeting agenda and make decisions on the agenda items. Topic: ERA Board of Directors Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81242140622?pwd=Zlp6UXhycUd1R2ZKWU12ZzVoamNaQT09 Meeting ID: 812 4214 0622 | Passcode: ERA2020 Meeting ID: 812 4214 0622 Passcode: 7147147 For Board of Directors agendas and […]

Nerd Coalition Juggling Lesson

Eagle Ridge Academy 11111 Bren Road W, Minnetonka, MN, United States

Join Nerd Coalition in Mr. Sutton's room (2118) after school on Wednesday, December 15, to learn how to juggle! Admission is $3.