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School of Grammar Battle of the Coins Fundraiser

Battle of the Coins is a school-wide coin drive competition running from February 10–14 to raise funds for Staff Appreciation Week. Students in K-12 will compete by grade level, with collection stations at designated locations. The winning grades will receive donut balls from YoYo Donuts and the top School of Grammar grade will also earn […]

CLT Exam: Grade 9

ERA 11111 Bren Road West, Minnetonka

Tenth graders will take the CLT exam in class on Wednesday, February 12. Ninth graders will take the CLT exam in class on Thursday, February 13. The CLT is an alternative college entrance exam to demonstrate a high school student's reading, writing, and math skills to potential colleges that includes a verbal reasoning section, a […]

Eagle Bluff Information & Sixth Grade Trivia Night

Eagle Ridge Academy 11111 Bren Road W, Minnetonka

All sixth-grade scholars are invited to the ERA Forum after school on Thursday, February 13, to compete in a Trivia Night and learn more about the annual Eagle Bluff trip. Trivia will be played in the forum while information is shared with parents in Ms. Friedman’s classroom #1214. Please enter through the Main Entrance.