We will be hosting a virtual meeting for kindergarten families only on Wednesday, July 13, 6:00-7:00 p.m.
During the meeting, School of Grammar Assistant Principal Mrs. Myers and School of Grammar Principal Ms. Mellgren will discuss general information such as morning arrival and afternoon dismissal procedures, what the first few days of kindergarten will look like, daily schedules, and lunch and recess information. We will also have some time to take questions. We invite any of your family members to join, including your incoming kindergarten student. You will receive information regarding your child’s teacher on August 1. Teachers will not be attending the virtual event on July 13, but you can look ahead to meeting them at our Meet the Teacher Night on August 17!
We hope you will be able to make it to our virtual meeting on July 13. Please use this Zoom link to join the meeting (Meeting ID: 882 7612 4858 Passcode: 861554). We will try to offer a recording of the meeting in case you are not able to attend but would like the information. We look forward to having you join our Eagle Ridge Academy family!