Come to the Winter Used Uniform sale to refresh your uniform supply for the second half of the year! The sale will take place in the ERA Forum during conferences Thursday, February 20, 4:00-8:00 p.m. AND Friday, February 21, 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Here are some ways you can participate:
- BUY: Shop in the ERA Forum anytime during conferences Thursday and Friday.
- DONATE: Drop off outgrown uniforms off in the Main Office when office hours. Proceeds from donated uniforms benefit a long list of PTO events and services.
- SELL: Click here to view instructions. Uniforms will be accepted through Tuesday, February 18, for this sale. Anything received after this time will be placed in our next sale.
- VOLUNTEER: Help us set up, run the sale, or clean up. Sign up here.