Grades 6-12 dismissed at 11:00 am.
Schools of Logic & Rhetoric (6-12)
The Schools of Logic and Rhetoric will end at 11:00 on Thursday, June 7.
Regular bus transportation will be provided for the students that use Academy-provided transportation and will depart from the Academy at 11:15 a.m. To adjust your bus drop-off time, please subtract 4 hours and 5 minutes from your usual bus drop-off time.
We expect heavier than usual traffic in the parking lot as many families choose to pick their child(ren) up on the last day of school. We thank you for your patience and ask if possible that your child use their usual mode of transportation for the last day of school.
All Grades
Bag lunches will be available on the last day of school but must be preordered. All bag lunches are pork-free and you may choose a vegetarian or allergen meal as well. Please use this order form. You must have a positive balance in your child’s lunch account to order a bag lunch for the last day of school. Please submit this order form by May 25. Your child’s lunch account will be charged accordingly.
Please check the Lost and Found for missing items. The Lost and Found is located by the entrance to the solarium. All items left after the last day of school will be donated.
The office will be closed on June 11 in support of the Annual Eagle Ridge Academy Gryphon Classic Golf Tournament, and we would love to see you there!
Regular office hours for the summer will be 9:00 am-2:00 pm. The office will be closed the week of July 2 and each Friday in July. We suggest that you call the Academy before visiting as many of our staff do not have summer hours.