The Eagle Eye: 5/16/2024

Happy Thursday! The latest issue of The Eagle Eye is now available. The Eagle Eye is Eagle Ridge Academy’s translatable community newsletter that is published every other Thursday during the school year. It is a great resource to see important updates and learn what is happening around the school. Here’s a preview of what you’ll find in this week’s Eagle Eye:

  • School of Logic Students Competing in Regions Mathematics League and National Chess Tournament this Summer. Congratulations to Sai P. and Joshini S. for qualifying for regions and nationals in their respective activities. Both will be traveling out of state this summer to compete. Learn more about their exciting opportunities inside the issue.
  • Year in Review from Activities Director Kris Babler. The Activities Department has been working diligently behind the scenes to improve their processes and build on the success of our programs.  Review the year in activities and preview what is to come this summer and fall inside the issue.
  • Give Us 5 Before the End of the Year. All Eagle Ridge Academy families are encouraged to “Give Us 5” with a pledge to volunteer five times throughout the school year. If you haven’t fulfilled your volunteer expectations this year, or are looking for more ways to get involved, there are several events in May that require volunteers in order to run. We are currently seeking volunteers for Donut Dash, Activities and Athletics Awards Celebration, Camp Read-a-Lot, Grades K-3 Classroom Parties, Grades 4, 5, and 8 Moving Up Ceremonies, Gryphon Greeter Program, and MORE. See all end-of-year volunteer opportunities and sign up to help this month inside the issue.

Read on for more and have a wonderful rest of the week, Gryphons!

Click here to read this week’s eagle eye newsletter