2016-17 Annual Report Now Available

Eagle Ridge Academy is proud to present the 2016-17 Annual Report, a document that highlights the school’s strengths and performance over the past year. Wondering what information you might find in the report? We’ve collected just a few of the statistics for you here:

In 2016-17…

…students attended Eagle Ridge from 27 different school districts.
…students spoke 34 different languages at home.
…we administered 94 AP exams, and students scored a 3 or higher on 74 of them.
…our average ACT score increased from 25.9 to 26.4, which is the 4th highest school average in the state of Minnesota.
…our staff retention rate was 97% of all staff who were offered renewed contracts.

Want to learn more? Check out the full annual report below.

View 2016-17 Annual Report